Tag Archives: who offer the no down payment bail bonds in victorville

Owning a Gun After a Felony Conviction


S ome people don’t realize that they lose the right to own a gun after they’ve been convicted of a felony. It doesn’t matter what type of felony you were convicted of, once that is on your record you’re not allowed to own a gun, not ever again. This doesn’t just apply to California. It’s […]

Take Advantage of Online Bail and Stay Safe

bail bonds in victorville

T he days when you could walk into a bails bonds office and not worry about your health are over. COVID-19 has completely changed the way we think and how we do things. Now, each time we walk into a business, we have to wonder if any of the employees have COVID-19, if the building […]

Robbery in California

Robbery in California

In California, it’s possible to be charged with three different types of robbery. They’re: First-degree robbery Second-degree robbery Third-degree robbery   What is First-Degree Robbery California lawmakers discussed robbery in the first degree in the California Penal Code 211. This is a felony charge that is filed against you when the police uncover evidence that […]

Squatting in California

Squatting in California

There is a housing problem in California. The state has more people who need a home than there are affordable rental options available. The shortage of available housing is likely why there seems to have been an increase in “squatting” cases.   What is Squatting? Squatting is a slang term that’s used to describe the […]

When Will California Allow you to Leave Your Child Home Alone

Child Home Alone Laws

There comes a point in every parent’s life when they ask themselves the question, “can I leave my child home alone?” Many parents assume that California has a law stating when a child is old enough to be left home alone, but that’s not the case. At this point, California lawmakers leave it up to […]