Tag Archives: what do I need to bail someone out of jail

Falling Asleep Behind the Wheel in California

Falling Asleep Behind the Wheel in California

W e’ve all done it, gotten behind the wheel and driven when we were tired. Most of the time rolling down the window, cranking up the radio, and indulging in a massive amount of caffeine is enough to get us safely where we need to be. The problem is that some people don’t make it […]

California’s Regulations Regarding Car Seats

Car Seat Regulations

All parents know that infants should be contained in a car seat, however not all parents know what California’s laws are regarding car seats.   Infants and Car Seats Any child that is two or under must be confined to a rear-facing car seat while they are in a vehicle. Failing to have your child […]

Will the Police Cite me for Not Wearing a Mask When Shopping?

will the police cite me for not wearing a mask

Covid-19 has brought about many changes. One of the newest additions to our lives is the wearing of face masks while in public.   Why are Face Masks Required in California? The hope is that wearing masks will slow the spread of the virus. The idea is that the masks keep the droplets contained to […]

What is Housing Discrimination?

Am I Eligible for Bail?

It is incredibly difficult to find affordable housing in California. The average price of a home in California is $600,000 which is double the national average. There are several reasons for the housing crisis, including: The number of homes/apartment buildings that have been destroyed by wildfires in recent years High construction costs A discrepancy between […]

Strange Laws from the California

The Difference Between Manslaughter and Involuntary Manslaughter