Author Archives: Roger Licup

The Low Down on Hands Free Devices While Driving in California

Cell phones and motorists are a bad mix. The split second it takes to answer the phone is enough time to get into a serious accident, and as if that’s not bad enough, most California motorists pay more attention to the person they’re speaking to than they do driving their car. California’s Laws Regarding the […]

The Risk of Unpaid Parking Tickets

Most people assume that when someone breaks a law, a judge swears out a warrant and the police go to that person’s house and arrest them. But that’s not how things always work. The described scenario takes place when an arrest warrant is sworn out against the person. In some cases, such as someone not […]

The Truth About DUI Checkpoints

A majority of drunk drivers are caught because they’re driving erratically and catch the eye of an officer who’s on patrol, this creates a loophole that allows drivers who are technically above the legal blood alcohol level, but still in good control of themselves to often evade detection and arrive home safely. Unless they encounter […]

Think Twice Before Throwing that Frisbee

If you’re in Los Angeles County, you might want to reconsider playing frisbee with your best friend or dog. The county has a law that clearly states that before you can throw a frisbee, permission needs to be granted by a lifeguard. Yep, this sounds like one of those ridiculous laws that are just plain […]