Monthly Archives: April 2020

What Are the Littering Laws Here in California?


F or the most part, people don’t think about littering too much. For some, it is a concept that never crosses their mind because they always throw stuff away in trash cans. For others, it is something they do without a second thought. They don’t even consider how it might affect other people. Littering and […]

Can Passengers Drink Alcohol in Vehicles?


E veryone knows that it is against the law to drink alcohol and then drive a vehicle. This law exists because drunk drivers are very dangerous. Due to the alcohol, the driver’s ability to react properly while driving is greatly impaired. Drunk drivers are more likely to make reckless decisions and are less capable of […]

Can You Drive While High in California?


F our years ago in 2016, Californian voters chose to legalize the recreational use of marijuana by passing Proposition 64. After the passing of this Prop, the state worked on creating new laws to regulate marijuana usage. These laws were then enacted over the next few years to give people time to adjust and prepare. […]

California’s Edible Marijuana Laws


B ack in 2016, Californians voted to allow the recreational use of marijuana. This created a whole new mess of laws that dictated how people could use marijuana. The laws rolled out bit by bit over the next few years. While this made things easier for lawmakers and gave them the time they needed to […]

California Dog Bite Laws


F or the most part, dog owners are good at taking care of their animals. They love their pup and treat it like a member of the family. However, not everyone is very good at taking care of their dog, which can cause some trouble. If a dog gets out and bites someone, the dog’s […]