Category Archives: Victorville Bail Bonds

Ways You Can Stay Safe While Using a Ride-share Program


There’s no denying that rideshare programs like Uber and Lyft have changed how we think about transportation. We love the fact that we can use a smartphone app to arrange a ride rather than having to hope that we can find and hail a cab. We know that the driver knows exactly where our destination […]

Learn About Criminal Profiling and How it Works Exactly


Criminal profiling has been around longer than you think. Interestingly enough, one of the most famous unsolved cases is credited for creating the idea of criminal profiling. Many believe that the first time profiling was used to attempt to find a killer was when Jack the Ripper was slaying young women in White Chapel. One […]

Finding The Middle Ground As A Parent To Your Child


Building a loving, nurturing, supporting, and trusting family is just what every parent wants. In a perfect world, all children will be kind and honest. But in reality, there are families with children/ minors who get themselves into trouble and break the law. And as parents, you have legal responsibilities to do what you can […]

What Happens If A Minor Is Arrested, Steps You Should Take


As you’re aware, when an adult is arrested, he or she may be eligible to post bail and be released from court to return home until a court hearing. Bail is not available for arrested minors. So, you’re wondering what happens in these scenarios? Here are some of the various options for an arrested minor […]

Find Out What Bereavement Leave is in California’s Jobs


Bereavement is the time it takes a person to handle the passing of a loved one. It isn’t much time. It is literally just enough time to arrange for a funeral and to handle the immediate legal necessities connected to your loved one’s passing. Once the bereavement period has passed, you’ll have to return to […]