Category Archives: Hesperia Bail Bonds

Littering in California

A Better Bail Bonds

You already know that you’re not supposed to litter. It’s common knowledge that you shouldn’t throw things out your car windows, leave trash scattered around a campsite, or drop food wrappers while you’re walking.  What you might not know is exactly what happens if you fail to do the right thing and clean up after […]

California’s Arson Laws

A Better Bail Bonds

There’s nothing funny about arson. Not only does arson result in a great deal of property damage, but it can also cause fatalities. In some cases, arson has resulted in wildfires. California’s lawmakers want to discourage everyone from even thinking about arson, which is why they have some pretty severe arson laws. The issue of […]

Getting Into Trouble for Vandalism in California

A Better Bail Bonds

California lawmakers have little patience for vandalism. The exact law dealing with the issue is Penal Code 594 PC which defines vandalism and vandals as: “Every person who maliciously commits any of the following acts with respect to any real or personal property not his or her own, in cases other than those specified by state law, […]

Neighbor Animal Disputes

A Better Bail Bonds

Pets are supposed to bring peace and joy to our lives. The problem is that the same pet that you love with all of your heart can also trigger a major dispute between you and your neighbors. The most common issues behind neighbor animal disputes are barking dogs, animal waste getting deposited in the wrong […]

Can I Sue if My Pet Is Killed or Hurt?


If you love your pet as much as you love a child or spouse, you’re not alone. Psychology Today reports that approximately 90% of pet owners consider their pet a family member. That means that losing a pet, particularly when that loss is someone else’s fault, is an emotionally devastating experience. Once the first hot edge of […]