Category Archives: Apple Valley Bail Bonds

Tips for Finding a Safe Rental Property


While there are many perks connected to living in California, the ability to easily find rental properties isn’t one of them. While it’s possible that there are some areas in California where safe and affordable rental properties are available, those locations are very rare. Difficulty finding rental properties is an issue that plaques nearly all […]

Catalytic Converter Theft in California


Catalytic converter theft is a serious problem that, for some reason, isn’t getting nearly the media attention it should. According to data posted by KSBY-6 reported that in California, State Farm Insurance handled approximately 4,507 catalytic converter thefts in 2020. The total payout for these claims was roughly $10.8 million. The numbers doubled in 2021. […]

Is Mental Illness a Acceptable Reason for Committing a Crime


The phrase, mental illness, seems to have started cropping up a lot in criminal cases. There’s a reason for this. For the first time, we finally understand different types of mental illnesses and how these conditions can lead to some people doing things, including committing violent crimes, that they wouldn’t otherwise have done. As the […]

What Happens During a Wellness Check


Wellness checks, which are sometimes referred to as welfare checks, are a service offered by your local police department. At the request of a concerned person, an officer stops at a person’s house and ensures that everything is okay. You may request a wellness check for a loved one for several reasons. Common reasons to […]

Do You Know All of The Latest Scams? New Google Voice Scam


We know that we’re not supposed to provide things like our social security numbers and credit card numbers to anyone who calls us. We know that this helps us avoid becoming the victim of an identity theft scam. What we don’t consider is the potential damage of the Google Voice Scam, which involves the use […]