D ogs are wonderful animals. They provide unconditional love, companionship, and can even be our protectors. In recent years, there has been an increase in the number of people turning their dog into an emotional support animal, which allows them to bring the animal into establishments where dogs aren’t otherwise allowed. While the emotional support […]
Category Archives: Apple Valley Bail Bonds
California was once famous for its three strikes and you’re out brand of criminal justice. How the Three Strikes Law Worked The three-strikes law went into effect in 1994. The law was originally proposed in direct response to the horrific murders of Polly Klass and Kimber Reynolds. The way the Three Strikes law works […]
F ireworks are an essential component to July 4th and New Year celebrations. Cities will organize official fireworks shows that thousands of people gather to watch in awe. Family and friends who have their own 4th of July parties at home can also have their own fireworks, but they are very limited to what types […]
O ne of the great things about the American justice system is the bail bonds process. The courts charge an amount of money that they feel will inspire you to make all of your court dates. Once your fate has been determined, you either get the bail money back or it’s used to help cover […]